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The GI Hub is working with governments and other stakeholders to define transition pathways for infrastructure to meet net zero and sustainable development goals.
This report of the Independent Expert Group (IEG) of the G20 recommends a triple agenda of reforms to multilateral development banks (MDBs).
An summary of the key takeaways of G20 and World Bank-IMF Annual Meetings in Marrakech in October 2023.
The GI Hub’s Rory Linehan has contributed to an article that outlines the potential impacts on infrastructure at this week’s G20 meetings and World Bank and International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings.
The GI Hub collaborated with eight multilateral development banks on a systematic approach to scaling up technology solutions for sustainable roads.
We ask the Miundo Misingi Hub’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Johnson Kilangi, for his views on how sustainable and socially responsible projects yield long-term benefits, and how capacity building is key to improving infrastructure development and inclusive growth across Africa.
The GI Hub's Director of Knowledge Mobilisation, Sam Barr, has been featured on the Competitive Contractor podcast with host Shivendra Kumar.
Infrastructure was a major topic at Climate Week NYC 2023. In this article, we share a summary of Climate Week, through an infrastructure lens.
Join a panel of international experts and learn how inclusive infrastructure can drive social equity and sustainable development, as we launch of the Certificate in Inclusive Infrastructure.
This study examines how institutional change affects public-private partnership (PPP) market maturity.
Public-private partnership (PPP) renegotiations and their outcomes have been studied extensively in Latin America and Europe but not in the United States. Therefore, this study evaluates factors triggering U.S. PPP renegotiations by examining six highway PPPs located in California (2), Indiana (1), and Virginia (3).
Adopting a business history approach, this paper explores the role and evolution of Vietnam Expressway Corporation (VEC) as a state-owned enterprise (SOE) delivery model for five highway projects in Vietnam's first phase of network development between 2004 and 2016.
Public management research contains little analysis on procurement cancellations – i.e. when contracts fail to make it through procurement, resulting in termination during the pre-award tender phase. Combining theoretical perspectives on administrative capacity and transaction costs, the authors investigate both the propensity and reasons for public procurement cancellations.
Sovereign development funds (SDFs) and strategic investment funds (SIFs) have become increasingly important investment vehicles for sustainable development. This paper explores how the design and governance of these funds aligns institutional capital with large, long-term investments such as infrastructure, all while yielding high commercial returns for institutional investors.
Vicki Cerullo, Acting Executive Director, New York City (NYC) Mayor’s Office of Climate & Environmental Justice, explains the city’s latest action plan for a cleaner, greener, and more just city, and outlines the plan’s key initiatives, and achievements.
Scaling up existing multilateral solutions and developing new ones are key to increasing much-needed private investment in infrastructure in emerging and developing markets. In her latest article, our CEO, Marie Lam-Frendo shares her thoughts on de-risking instruments as one solution.
Andrew Savage, Vice President of Sustainability at Lime – the world’s largest shared electric vehicle company, explains what Lime is doing to build a future where transportation can be shared, affordable, and carbon-free.
In this online training program, learn to shape infrastructure policy and projects that increase equality and economic empowerment.
Introducing a new professional training program for developing and delivering infrastructure for equal access, affordability, and economic empowerment.