6 Oct 21 'New Deals: Green recovery for cities - What role can the private sector play?'
Date & Location
6th October, 2021 - 6th October, 2021
Virtual event
Watch the recording

About the session
What role can the private sector play in a green transition? How is green financing implemented, and what are the current green financing trends? How does the policy environment incentivise the green transition?
These are a few of the key questions our panellists will explore in this webinar, which focuses on solutions and lessons learnt in the Belgrade Waste-to-Energy Project in Serbia and the Corsan Water Supply, Efficiency, and Resilience Project in Brazil.
The Belgrade Waste-to-Energy Project is cleaning up one of Europe’s largest uncontrolled landfills and constructing a new, sustainable waste-management complex. It is one of the first large-scale, bankable, private sector waste-to-energy projects in emerging markets.
Despite abundant surface freshwater, only 84% of Brazil’s people have access to potable water, and only 50% have access to sewerage. The Corsan Water Supply, Efficiency, and Resilience Project is leveraging private financing to address losses in water distribution and mitigate climate change risks.
Moderators and panellists
This session will be co-moderated by Mr Henri Blas, Chief Content Officer, GI Hub and Ms Cheryl Edleson Hanway, Regional Industry Senior Manager for Infrastructure, International Finance Corporation.
Representatives of the Belgrade Waste-to-Energy Project, Corsan Water, and Sitawi – a leading sustainable financing second opinion provider in Brazil – will join us as panellists for the session:
- Mr Stephane Heddesheimer, CEO of Recycling and Recovery, Suez
- Mr Roberto Barbuti, Chief Executive Officer, Corsan Water
- Mr Gustavo Pimentel, Managing Director, Sitawi
Learn more
Learn more here about the projects and the New Deals: Funding solutions for the future of infrastructure series.