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This policy brief reviews two aspects of independent regulation: institutional efficacy, including primarily autonomy, capacity, and accountability; and the mode of regulation, or the regulator's functional scope. Recommendations are made in the policy brief relating to the entire regulatory process.
This framework for action was developed to support the inclusion of nutritional considerations in the design of water operations and to help formulate nutrition-enhancing water policy.
Increasingly, infrastructure leaders, investors and developers are recognising the need to not only increase the quantity of infrastructure investment globally to drive economic growth, but also the quality of infrastructure investment, to ensure that that growth and development is inclusive and sustainable.
Ambitions Beyond Growth- Economic and Social Survey of Asia-Pacific Region” by UN ESCAP 2019 reveals that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 would require an annual additional investment of $1.5 trillion for Asia-Pacific developing countries – equivalent to five per cent of their combined GDP in 2018, or about four per cent in terms of the annual average GDP for the period 2016-2030.
Interactive Tendering Guidelines (“Guidelines”), prepared for the Construction Leadership Group (“CLG”) developed to inform government and industry of best practice interactive tendering.
FOR CONSULTATION The draft Guidance Note on National Infrastructure Banks and Similar Financing Facilities is open for public consultation to capture your insights and feedback for the final version.
With regards to the emphasis on the proper risk allocation, the Risk Allocation Guideline, which has been released annually, becomes very essential as a key reference in assessing and allocating risks for the purpose of guarantee provision, as mandated by the regulation.
In June 2016, under Japanese presidency, G7 Leaders endorsed G7 Ise- Shima Principles for Promoting Quality Infrastructure Investment, which has crystalized as definition of quality infrastructure investment.
This Guidance note provides a set of selected voluntary policy recommendations that seek to help governments in tackling challenges related to mobilising private financing for infrastructure and SMEs.
This certification program aims to enhance PPP performance globally. Individuals awarded the Certified PPP Professional (CP3P) credential demonstrate to peers that their abilities align with global PPP good practices.
This paper provides reflections and considerations as to how MDBs including the IDB can use the Project Preparation Facilities (PPFs) to help countries fill the infrastructure gap by improving the quality of projects, reducing and mitigating risks, and leveraging private financing.
Infrastructure projects in the Netherlands, such as the construction of roads, bridges and tunnels, have become larger and more complex in recent years. This thesis is about these kinds of infrastructure projects, about the challenges and tensions that go with them, about how people experience them and how they look jointly for solutions, and how they succeed or sometimes fail.
The report illustrates the ReM framework methodology, used by the EIB in the appraisal and evaluation of projects outside the EU.
The report “Making Blended Finance work for the SDGs” supports the OECD DAC blended principles for unlocking commercial finance for SDGs and further sharpens their focus on the deployment of development and commercial finance on the objectives of development.
This paper first identifies the long-term risks associated with land sale, second the paper proposes the land trust or land lease for the development of infrastructure investment and industrialization purposes.
The PPP manual provides an overview of the procedures to be followed and approvals required for implementation of a PPP project.
Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) is a comprehensive assessment framework developed by the IMF to help countries strengthen public investment management practices.

The IMF's Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) framework helps countries evaluate the strength of their PIM practices.

This report benchmarks the costs of road construction and the timeliness of infrastructure procurement processes for projects undertaken by states and territories since 2015.
The investment life cycle and High Value High Risk (HVHR) Framework (life cycle guidelines) apply to all government departments in the state of Victoria and support the development of business cases for capital investments.