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Despite abundant surface freshwater, only 84% of Brazil’s people have access to potable water, and only 50% have access to sewerage. Insufficient public funds and limited use of private capital have resulted in limited progress in improving access to water and sanitation. The Corsan Water Supply, Efficiency, and Resilience Project is leveraging private financing to address losses in water distribution and mitigate climate change risks.
The Small Cities Sanitation Programme is a EUR 150 million programme undertaken by the Office National de l’Assainissement, (“ONAS”, the Company”) to build 24 new wastewater treatment plants (“WWTP”) and rehabilitate and upgrade the sanitation network (including 862 kilometres of new primary and secondary networks and construction of 30 new pumping stations) to EU equivalent standards in 33 Tunisian cities of less than 10,000 inhabitants (the “Project”).
Parties involved: EBRD, European Union (?EU?), Kyrgyz Republic, Isfana City (the ?City?) and Municipal Enterprise Isfana Taza Suu (the ?Company?)
Fukuoka City is one of the most prominent cities in Japan today
In 2005, DC Water entered into an agreement with the EPA, establishing a 20 year plan worth c. USD 2.6B in planned investments to reduce 1 Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) by 96%
Residents in Bangalore were facing water shortages and had to cope by relying on ground water and paying premium prices for water from privately plied water tankers
Artificial intelligence (AI) to optimise water and wastewater treatment processes through automated control and/or provision of decision support for plant operators.
The paper looks at the potential and preconditions for introducing or expanding competition for the provision of municipal waste management services by mobilising and engaging the private sector.