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The Thames Tideway Tunnel is an interceptor sewer being constructed in central London to control the 39 million tonnes of untreated sewerage that flows in to the Thames River on an annual basis
In order to construct sewage water treatment plant for areas in Al hasa Governorate that are not served
Erhai Lake, whose basin area is 2,565 square kilometers with 117 rivers flowing into the lake, is the main drinking water source of the City of Dali, covering 16 villages and towns of Dali with a population of 833,000 people.
Can the needs of rapid urbanisation open the door to innovative emerging technologies?
Combination of sensors and AI to increase sewer capacity and reduce the frequency and magnitude of sewer overflows, especially during high rainfall events.
In 2005, DC Water entered into an agreement with the EPA, establishing a 20 year plan worth c. USD 2.6B in planned investments to reduce 1 Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) by 96%
This use case explores technologies that decrease Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment processes.
The paper looks at the potential and preconditions for introducing or expanding competition for the provision of municipal waste management services by mobilising and engaging the private sector.
![capture 26.jpg](https://cdn.gihub.org/umbraco/media/1356/capture-26.jpg)
This tool presented here in an Excel format was designed to evaluate the fulfillment of good corporate governance practices in primarily state owned water and sanitation companies in the region.