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In partnership with seven MDBs, the GI Hub has issued a Call for Submissions for technology-enabled solutions for sustainable roads. The program will provide governments and investors with a pipeline of technology-enabled solutions to make roads more sustainable, and will give technology solution providers an opportunity to pitch their solutions to MDBs for use on current and future road projects.
The first meeting under the Indian G20 Presidency of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in Bengaluru, India was a productive meeting, despite the ongoing problems evident on the global stage. Our CEO Marie Lam-Frendo discusses the outcomes.
This report was produced by an expert panel tasked with independent review of multilateral development banks’ capital adequacy frameworks. This panel was convened by the G20 to provide benchmarks to evaluate MDB capital adequacy frameworks and to enable stakeholders to develop a consistent understanding and consider potential adaptations to maximise MDBs' funding capacity.
The InterAmerican Development Bank´s Sustainable Infrastructure Framework aims to help foster shared understanding of the key dimensions and attributes of sustainable infrastructure. The IDB Framework was adapted to Mexico after a thorough analysis of Mexico’s national development strategy and infrastructure investment priorities, in close collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
What qualifies as critical infrastructure, and what can governments and industry do to increase its resilience? We spoke to four experts for their perspectives.

Infrastructure equities provide stronger protection against inflation shocks than the broader equity market. During the rapid inflation shocks in 2022, the return on infrastructure equities was more resilient than that on global equities, which drove private fundraising for infrastructure to record levels.

Watch our CEO Marie Lam-Frendo explore solutions and challenges for decarbonising the transport sector in the latest episode of CNBC's 'Greenprint for a Sustainable Future’ series.
A summary of the first G20 Infrastructure Working Group meeting under the Indian G20 Presidency in January 2023

In 2021, private investment in infrastructure projects in primary markets recovered to its pre-pandemic level but remains stagnant and far shy of what is needed to close the infrastructure investment gap.

This book questions the premise that Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have a performance advantage over traditionally procured projects. It examines novel research comparing the differences in performance between PPP and traditionally procured infrastructure projects and thoughtfully scrutinises the supposed advantages of PPPs.
This study examines all aspects of the digitalisation of infrastructure for a sustainable future
The Global Infrastructure Investor Association, in partnership with Marsh & McLennan, examines the impacts that rapid technological advancement are having on infrastructure assets around the world and what these will mean for the sector in years to come.
This report discusses the specific risks to infrastructure investors under each of the key risk categories outlined by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, as well as crucial levers for achieving climate resilience at both the portfolio and asset level for the infrastructure sector.
The Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment (CCRI) created the Physical Climate Risk Assessment Methodology in response to investor demand for comprehensive solutions to improve the integration of physical climate risks into investment appraisal practices.
The Investor Leadership Network created this playbook to help institutional investors better assess and incorporate inclusion into portfolios. It provides the business case for inclusion, fundamental and advanced inclusion metrics, and case studies of the metrics being used.
The Blue Dot Network aims to help mobilise private sector investment by identifying and encouraging market-driven, transparent, and sustainable infrastructure projects. It establishes a voluntary, private-sector focused, government-supported project-level certification that aligns with the G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards, the Equator Principles, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the OECD Recommendation on the Governance of Infrastructure.
This report outlines an approach to country platforms to help channel technical assistance and public and private finance to emerging and developing countries in order to support the achievement of net zero targets.
Join the GI Hub and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank for a webinar that will present the case for investing in infrastructure technology (InfraTech) to support the transition to net zero.

In 2021, global green private investment in infrastructure projects in primary markets rose to a record-high share of 60%, but this trend needs to accelerate and expand beyond renewables to meet climate goals.

Green investment in infrastructure outside of renewables is limited. While renewables represent almost 90% of total green private investments in infrastructure projects, green investment in other sectors only represent 14%.