22 results found
Parties involved (public and private): Greater Amman Municipality (GAM).
An alternative means of conducting waste management and cleaning in stations through robots that spray cleaning chemicals (e.g. hydrogen peroxide) onto surfaces.
This website provides a set of resources on using performance based contracts to reduce non-revenue water. It includes tools and project preparation guidelines, case studies and training material.
This technical note provides an overview for authorities who wish to conduct flood hazard and risk assessments and who must develop a step-by-step plan for carrying out the assessment that is appropriate and feasible in the local context.
This report aims to inform water system managers on the importance of andmeasures to build the resilience of water service provision to natural hazards and climate riskswhile ensuring that water systems can safeguard service provision by reducing their exposure tothe risks associated with natural hazards.
This report outlines how policy makers should focus on improving access to safely managed wastewater management services, providing several revelant examples from the region of Japan.
his paper introduces a model describing the full financial realities of FSM projects; a methodology for quantifying the costs, direct effects, economic spillover effects and a toolkit to calculate their net present values and the overall program’s internal rates of return.
This report argues that development finance has largely been directed towards centralized systems of wastewater management this has resulted in large populations being excluded from proper wastewater collection and treatment services whereas spillover effects of proper sanitation, which include an increase in property tax revenues, can help to offset the costs of fecal sludge management.
The paper looks at the potential and preconditions for introducing or expanding competition for the provision of municipal waste management services by mobilising and engaging the private sector.
Japan has built the resilience of its water supply and sanitation (WSS) services through an adaptive management approach based on lessons learned from past natural disasters. This experience offers key insights for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) seeking to sustain and build resilience of WSS services.
This book describes some key global water challenges, perspectives for remote sensing approaches, and their importance for water resources-related activities. It presents eight key types of water resources management variables, a list of sensors that can produce such information, and a description of existing data products with examples.
In 2015, SECO undertook a Review of Success Stories in Urban Water Utility Reform. Key tables and diagrams from the Review are presented in this document forming a tool for analysis and dialogue.
This aquaculture supply chain review aims to: (1) identify issues now present in the fish supply (export) chain, specifically pinpointing market imperfections as well as legal and regulatory obstacles; (2) develop recommendations to resolve the problems and challenges so identified, and thus contribute to the improvement of the business and investment environment by reducing costs and increasing productivity; and (3) contribute to enhancing the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the Armenian
The Decision Tree Framework is a robust decision scaling approach from the World Bank that provides resource-limited project planners and program managers with a cost-effective and effort-efficient, scientifically defensible, repeatable, and clear method for demonstrating the robustness of a project to climate change.
This report presents the water and climate adaptation plan (WATCAP) developed for the Sava river basin (SRB), the report covers climate impacts in the Sava river basin, an economic evaluation of the SRB and Hydrologic Modeling of SRB.
The note measures access to water supply and sanitation services in the Kyrgyz Republic. It is representative at the national, rural/urban, and oblast levels. Using survey data we analyze the consumption of water supply and sanitation services at the household level with a focus on access, quality, and expenditures.
The purpose of the report is to help the Government of Armenia: analyze the current levels and structures of water and wastewater tariffs compared to the costs of service, the report covers the cost of Waste and Water Services, the affordability of WSS and alternatives for transitioning to cost-recovery level tariffs over time in Armenia.
This toolkit is a resource designed to assist practitioners working on the next generation of PSP contracts for smaller water projects.
The primary objective of this Technical Note is to provide guidance to utility companies either for improving the operations-phase implementation of a current environmental management system or for developing a system.
This technical note contains a methodology to promote the use of good corporate governance practices for water and sanitation enterprises (especially SOEs) in Latin America and the Caribbean, based on IDB experiences and other relevant cases from network utilities.