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Long-term local currency financing is scarce in Kazakhstan. It is only available under state support programs targeting large investment projects for strategic sectors and affordable housing
Hard currency borrowing in Kazakhstan was popular until the Tenge currency collapse in 2014-2015. Borrowers then started looking for local currency financing, but the local market for long-term financing was under-developed
The Federal Government of Nigeria’s Energizing Economies Initiative (EEI) aimed to increase access to energy through private development of off-grid electricity solutions in economic clusters, such as markets, shopping centres, and industrial complexes
The Piracicaba-Panorama concession in Sao Paulo is one of the largest road concessions in Brazil, spanning a network of highways that covers 1,200km of distance
Existing bus services along the Broadway corridor, one of Vancouver's busiest, were proving increasingly inadequate in the face of growing transportation demand
The USD 244M1 Elazig hospital Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project is part of the 'Health PPP' program developed by the Turkish Ministry of Health (MoH), to extend and modernize the country's healthcare
The PPP procurement model ensured that tenders are offered at the individual project level
In the late 1990s, the National Health Service (NHS) was struggling with its numerous rundown health facilities. New buildings were needed, particularly where old facilities were obsolete, often in the poorest areas of the country
The planned 750MW Rewa Solar Project in the state of Madhya Pradesh will be one of the world's largest solar photovoltaic (PV) projects
Asia long faced a gap of investment capital available for infrastructure projects
As of 2016, Sterlite has a total portfolio of 10 projects worth USD 1.5B, four of which are fully operational, two partially operational and four under construction
In 2005, DC Water entered into an agreement with the EPA, establishing a 20 year plan worth c. USD 2.6B in planned investments to reduce 1 Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) by 96%
Between 20 and 40 percent of the annual correctional population is homeless and has an arrest record for nonviolent nuisance crimes
The budget for federal rental assistance has long been insufficient and regularly reduced or threatened with complete removal across different political cycles
The development of credit ratings for loans in emerging countries is critical for accessing capital markets
The African Development Bank (AfDB) is mandated to drive social and economic development in Africa through multiple project types including infrastructure
To ease traffic congestion and reduce travel time between downtown Montreal, its suburbs and airport, CDPQ Infra sought to develop a 67km light rail transit (LRT) project, spanning 26-stations
The Uruguayan government planned to diversify its energy mix, reducing its heavy reliance on hydropower and imported fossil fuels during drought seasons
Brazil has a policy named Urban Operations which is used to promote requalification of underdeveloped urban areas through PPPs
Residents in Bangalore were facing water shortages and had to cope by relying on ground water and paying premium prices for water from privately plied water tankers
The Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project is a 37km, two-phase extension of the current Metrorail system delivered via a design-build-finance- operate-maintain (DBFOM) PPP concession
As part of a larger USD 63B1 infrastructure investment, the New South Wales (NSW) government sought to develop a light rail network
The Denver Union Station is a large-scale mixed-use development project to transform the underutilized old Denver Union Station into a modern district