This paper uses data from the world bank performance database and the electricity regulatory governance database using electricity company data to the develop the literature that explores the link between regulatory governance and sector performance.
This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost escalation in transportation infrastructure projects.
This report provides an assessment of the state of regulatory governance in infrastructure industries in Brazil and to suggest possible indicators for future monitoring, while also providing a ranking among Brazillian regulators.
This report outlines how in recent years Armenia has made significant strides in reforming the water sector by developing policies, enacting laws, and drawing up plans, programs and strategies aimed at improving water service provision
The purpose of this brief note is to set out a checklist of issues which need to be considered when assessing the likely economic impact of regulatory reform.
This report indicates that although privatization, competitive restructuring, and regulatory reforms improve infrastructure performance, several issues must be considered and conditions met for these measures to achieve their public interest goals.