The Reference tool is meant to serve as a practical tool to help governments and other stakeholders understand and implement the critical success factors that deliver inclusive infrastructure.
The objective of the report and the accompanying index is not simply to rank countries, but to use score movements as a benchmark from which to investigate trends, identify successful PPP performers, and focus on the approaches that can facilitate a better understanding of common challenges and best-practice standards.
This page discusses the need for legal reform to enhance the PPP environment in EBRD regions.
This report presents a selection methodology that proposes a common language with clear economic, technical, social and regional criteria to identify infrastructure projects with the potential for acceleration.
OECD Investment Policy Reviews present an overview of investment trends and policies in the countries reviewed, using the OECD Policy Framework for Investment to assess the climate for domestic and foreign investment at sub-national, national or regional levels. They then propose actions for improving the framework conditions for investment and discuss challenges and opportunities for further reforms.
As part of its Public Procurement Toolbox, the OECD developed indicators to measure the performance of public procurement systems.
The Global Toolbox provides an interactive inventory of MDB instruments, with their hyperlinks and comprehensive overviews, to support private investment across the globe.
The review consisted of a detailed assessment of the current institutional set-up, including roles and responsibilities for EE in Turkey, along with a comparison with international experience and best practices. A final set of institutional options and recommendations are provided at the end of the report.
PPP webinars presents trending topics on PPPs and infrastructure, as well as the latest tools for practitioners, case studies, and presentations from experts.
This study aims to assist Bangladesh in becoming a viable player in the IT/ITES industry in five years by identifying the strategies, programs and investments needed in order for the country to leverage ICT for economic growth and competitiveness, as well as for social development by increasing gender equality and youth employment.
This report assesses infrastructure PPP investments in an expanded list of Fragile and Conflict Affected States (EFCS2), as well as the PPP regulatory frameworks during the 2012-2016 period.
The paper discusses the importance of ICT for growth and governance in the context of North Africa's development.
The checklist aims at providing a framework to ensure the mainstreaming of gender in the infrastructure sector throughout the project cycle.
This study reviews African Project Preparation Facilities, providing recommendations for their enhancement.
This publication discusses issues that characterise PPPs from the project selection stage until after the contract is signed.
Lifelines lays out a framework for understanding infrastructure resilience—the ability of infrastructure systems to function and meet users’ needs during and after a natural shock—and it makes an economic case for building more resilient infrastructure.
This chapter discusses the impact of climate events on various types of digital infrastructure.
This paper presents the state of infrastructure in developing Asian countries, in particular how the development of this infrastructure has correlated with past and current growth in Asia.