Our main programs are the Country Engagement Program and our support of capacity-building initiatives including the Africa Infrastructure Fellowship Program and the Investor Leadership Network.
The GI Hub established the Country Engagement Program in 2019 to provide selected countries with tailored support to address individual country needs, tackle policy roadblocks, help strengthen infrastructure governance and create processes to move toward more sustainable, resilient and inclusive infrastructure.
The country program cycle (see below) is based on a country needs assessment and allows for longer-term support where needed to embed the required capacity and capability.
To maximise the benefit to the country partner, we take a pragmatic approach to prioritising actions proposed as part of the country program. The pragmatic approach considers government demand for each solution, country constraints and the positioning of the GI Hub and its strategic partners to effectively provide support and advice for the solution.
Governments interested in receiving support from the GI Hub through the Country Engagement and Capacity Building Program are invited to contact us here.
Brazil became the first country to partner with the GI Hub Country Engagement Program in December 2019. Four major initiatives were delivered with the Brazil government through 2020 and into 2021, including a market consultation, benchmarking study, report on foreign currency risk and evaluation of a project preparation platform.