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The OECD DAC Blended Finance Principles for Unlocking Commercial Finance for the SDGs aims to ensure that blended finance is deployed in the most effective way to address the financing needs for sustainable development.
This Global Tracking Framework is featured in the GlobalMobility Report which provides the first-ever assessment of all modes of transport across theglobe.
This report thus attempts to address the economic impact of road safety, while providing a comprehensive overview of the challenge in estimating the social impact of road traffic injuries (RTIs).
Benchmarking Public Procurement provides comparable data on regulatory environments that affect the ability of private companies to do business with governments in 180 economies.

The Infrastructure Investment Policy Blueprint offers a practical set of recommendations for governments on attracting private capital for infrastructure projects while creating clear social and economic value for their citizens.

This paper investigates the emerging global landscape for public-private co-investments in infrastructure.
The GI Hub has now signed a consultancy contract for the development of a Concession Management Tool, following a competitive tender. The tool, expected to be delivered by the end of 2017, will provide practical guidance that can be used by government teams around the world and aims to identify leading practices related to public-private partnership (PPP) concession management, as well as addressing the common challenges which may arise throughout the construction and operations phases.

The core principle behind the PPP is the creation of a contractual bubble – a framework of contracts.

This report addresses the critical question: how can the public and private sectors build successful partnerships?

This report reviews experiences with strategic infrastructure planning with a view to identifying international best practices.

Good governance of public infrastructure can thus yield substantial benefits for all. Based on a survey of 27 countries, this report provides an overview of current practices in infrastructure governance and presents practical tools to help policy makers better manage infrastructure.

Global infrastructure needs and Public-Private Partnerships were discussed when the Foreign Correspondents’ Association of Australia met the GI Hub today.
Global Infrastructure Hub Chief Executive Officer Chris Heathcote says quality public infrastructure can promote greater affluence and spark global growth. Mr Heathcote told a Public-Private Partnership Seminar in Athens that “infrastructure changes lives and changes economies”.
Mark Moseley, the GI Hub’s Senior Director for Legal Frameworks and Procurement Policies gave a presentation at a seminar on Future Ready: Sustainable Cities – Indonesia Infrastructure in Focus held in Jakarta, Indonesia on 7 March 2017.
Report reviewing the extent to which Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) create incentives within their organisations to ‘crowd-in’ private finance to fund public infrastructure.
GI Hub’s Richard Timbs explains how the new, free Project Pipeline can help the private sector access data about government infrastructure projects across the globe.
This report provides an analytical framework to understand the fundamental institutions of good telecommunications regulation and analyzes the governance of telecommunications in Latin America and the Caribbean.
This is a new framework for road safety aims to halve the number of fatalities on CAREC road corridors by 2030 (compared to 2010).
The Infrastructure Prioritization Framework is a multi-criteria decision support tool that considers project outcomes along two dimensions, social-environmental and financial-economic to inform project selection.
These Guidelines provide a transparent framework for the ACT Government to develop and deliver Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects.