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The Peruvian government had an ambitious plan to rejuvenate 955km of roads connecting the fluvial port of Yurimaguas with the Pacific port of Paita
The government of India sought to raise c. USD 12.5B1 for infrastructure development through an asset monetization program that identified c. 6400km of road networks across 75 operational projects and split them into 10 bundles to auction as concessions
The administrative regulations relating to section 7 of the Federal Budget Code and the related instruction Introduction to value-for-money assessments contain general directives that ensure an effective, efficient and economic implementation of all measures.
The report “Making Blended Finance work for the SDGs” supports the OECD DAC blended principles for unlocking commercial finance for SDGs and further sharpens their focus on the deployment of development and commercial finance on the objectives of development.
The Indian government sought to construct a total of 200,000km of national highways by 2022, which required significant private investment
The Brazilian government sought to diversify its energy mix and planned to add c. 10GW of power from renewable sources to its national grid by 2018
Noor Ouarzazate I, a 160 MW Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plant, is a path-breaking large- scale CSP project, one of the first to be delivered in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, taking advantage of the region s abundant solar resources.
Most public infrastructure investments in the US are made by individual states rather than the federal government
The use of innovation mechanisms to enable investors to hedge their currency risk can attract capital to markets
The São Paulo government sought to expand the a 720km NE-SW road across the state of São Paolo, which had one of the highest traffic volumes in the country
As of April 2019, the IFC successfully raised USD 7.1B from eight global investors through the MCPP, USD 3.6B worth of funds
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has a mandate to mobilize private financing and is looking to do this through various syndicated products including: B Loans, Parallel Loans and A Loan Participations
Pacífico Tres was created in 2014 to facilitate the construction of a c. 150km highway linking three of Colombia's most commercially important regions
Report reviewing the extent to which Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) create incentives within their organisations to ‘crowd-in’ private finance to fund public infrastructure.
Australia's national government introduced policy to incentivize asset recycling by state-level governments, by offering up to 15% of the sale or lease proceeds of asset privatizations for re-investment in infrastructure projects
Lowline is a project to transform an abandoned trolley (tram) terminal on the Lower East Side of Manhattan into the world?s first underground park
The Belgian government sought to improve mobility around its port district by relieving congestion that delayed tourists and freight
Mexico grew its wind energy installed capacity to c. 2000MW, generating USD 12B in investments and spillover effects on the local value chain
The Mexican government sought to increase its wind energy production and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. The Mexican government set a goal of reducing the country's greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2020
Thailand's greenhouse gas emissions grew by c. 70 percent between 2000 and 2010, leading to environmental concerns
The municipality of Porto Alegre, the capital and largest city in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, was planning to build a new transit artery connecting 20 neighborhoods across the city, including dedicated lanes for the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service
The Nehru Outer Ring is a road construction project intended to connect and further develop urban settlements and satellite townships in the Hyderabad Metropolitan area
Hyderabad's growing population and road congestion resulted in the Government of Andhra Pradesh pursuing Hyderabad Metro Rail which, in its first phase, is a 72 km network covering three high-density traffic corridors.