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As the government of Saudi Arabia aimed to rapidly diversify its economy away from oil, there was an increased focus on sustainable strategies and growth of Islamic capital markets. With its Green Sukuk Framework, Saudi Electricity Company raised USD1.3 billion for low-carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure.
To help transition to a low-carbon green economy, China announced plans to grow a corporate green bond market, establishing pilot zones in five provinces and autonomous regions to inform national green finance policies.
The Chicago Infrastructure Trust (CIT) was created in 2012 to provide focus and leadership to build a pipeline of executable public-private partnership projects to meet Chicago’s infrastructure needs, drive economic development, and create jobs.
Singapore's SolarNova program is a whole-of-government effort to accelerate the deployment of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. The government took the lead in rolling out the rooftop PV systems across public housing and government buildings in collaboration with solar developers.
The Canadian Government established a national infrastructure bank to help attract private sector investors and institutional investmet in infrastructure projects in Canada that will generate revenue and are in the public interest.
The Pensions Infrastructure Platform was developed to facilitate long-term investment in UK infrastructure by pension schemes. It was established by UK pension schemes to operate and invest for pension schemes. It allows pension schemes of all sizes to invest in national infrastructure projects by pooling resources into a single investment fund.
Australia’s national government introduced policy to incentivise asset recycling / capital recycling by state-level governments, offering up to 15% of the sale or lease proceeds of asset privatisations for re-investment in infrastructure projects. Since 2014, the State of New South Wales has raised AUD32.7 billion through asset recycling.
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) launched the Green Economy Transition (GET) approach in 2015 to accelerate investments that drive environmental benefits. Following the severe impact of the COVID-19 health emergency, a new GET 2.0 was proposed to contribute to a green economic recovery post-COVID-19.
The ACGF is an innovative finance facility dedicated to accelerating green infrastructure investment in Southeast Asia with over USD1.4 billion in loans from co-financing partners, under the ASEAN Infrastructure Fund (AIF). The ACGF’s technical assistance supports governments to identify and prepare commercially viable green infrastructure projects while the ACGF loans are utilised to cover upfront capital investment costs. This two-pronged approach ‘de-risks’ green infrastructure projects, making them more attractive to private capital investors.
Cities are at the forefront of the pandemic crisis and are key players in the fight to achieve net-zero emissions targets. The recovery choices they make today will set urban agendas for years to come.
In Chicago, the local government received requests for more libraries and community spaces, however, there was little to no funding available for the projects. Combining a new public library with affordable senior housing improves the value proposition of both projects as construction costs can be shared between levels of government. The library could not have been built on its own.
Watch the GI Hub and International Finance Corporation (IFC) webinar ‘Green recovery for cities: What role can the private sector play’, the second in the series 'New Deals: Funding solutions for the future of infrastructure'. The discussion explored green recovery solutions and highlighted lessons learnt from two projects.
Join the GI Hub and IFC for Session 3 in the webinar series 'New Deals: Funding solutions for the future of infrastructure'. This session will include an expert panel discussion of innovations for de-risking greenfield investment.
Coastline traffic in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, has overwhelmed road capacity. Three highway concession contracts were introduced, using a demand risk sharing mechanism and dynamic user fee model to attract private sector participation.
Pre-COVID-19, two Sao Paulo metro lines carried 1 million passengers daily. A demand sharing mechanism encouraged private sector investment in the concession contract.
The Belgrade Waste-to-Energy project is cleaning up one of Europe’s largest uncontrolled landfills and constructing a new, sustainable waste-management complex. It is one of the first large-scale, bankable, private sector waste-to-energy projects in emerging markets. Using a competitive dialogue with five pre-qualified bidders, the City of Belgrade - with the support of IFC acting as a PPP advisor - could offer a bankable DBFO contract bundling the remediation of the landfill (including the management of legacy pollution) with the development of revenue-generating greenfield assets.
Despite abundant surface freshwater, only 84% of Brazil’s people have access to potable water, and only 50% have access to sewerage. Insufficient public funds and limited use of private capital have resulted in limited progress in improving access to water and sanitation. The Corsan Water Supply, Efficiency, and Resilience Project is leveraging private financing to address losses in water distribution and mitigate climate change risks.
G20 Leaders endorsed the High Level Principles on Long-Term Investment Financing by Institutional Investors in September 2013, which is intended to help governments facilitate and promote long-term investment by institutional investors.
What role can the private sector play in a green transition? How is green financing implemented, and what are the current green financing trends? These are a few of the key questions that will be explored in this GI Hub and IFC webinar.